O melhor lado da BRASIL URGENTE AO VIVO 09/12/2019

If they were out there being poor and black and partying they deserve it. What do you suggest i read to understand this level of mental fascism and cognitive dissonance, anon?

>Eu acho de que vamos descobrir na prática quais as chances do Bozo dar 1 golpe e o quão natural sucedido o exatamente seria

Abra ESTES olhos do povo. Oriente este cidadão a analisar a história por vida dos candidatos antes por realizar suas escolhas.

Unions are dead, associations are dead, every damn sort of organization that doesn't involve grafting the people's mouth to Porky's anus Human Caterpillar-style is dead. As far as my overly-opinionated self can see, the only way seems to be individual proselytism. Small scale work, evangelist-like. >Is not only about a collapse, there is a bunch of other conditions that influence in a revolution, Naturally. They can still happen on the way to

Meanwhile, the motion to create a Congressional inquiryinto STF itself has been ebbing flowing, as the number of required Senator signatories keeps shifting back and forth around the minimum needed number of 27. Currently, the proponents -- Bozo's circus, naturally -- claim the 27th signatory has greed to it under condition their name won't be revealed until the motion is filed. Top kek, as they say. But this affair is not without one of bizarre incongruities which abound nowadays. Bozo's own son in the Senta, 01, refuses to sign, claiming it would estabilize and create conflict between the branches of government. Toppest of keks. To the ones just joining this drama, 01 owes his life to the current head justice of STF, who made a shameless move to protect him in the Queiroz investigation. When the family heard about that decision, they cried with joy. Literally so. CW has one foot outside the circus tent.

Indústria por Bastante porte do ramo farmacêutico contrata profissional de modo a atuar na Freguesia do…

Anonymous 11/27/2019 (Wed) 21:29:03 Pelo. 141566 >>140887 Besides the sorry current state of the metro area, the problem is the governor. He's a literal psychopath, the kind that doesn't realize he's giving it away by speaking entirely too often about sniping people, participating in those murderous helicopter raids and several other, minor clues hinting at his lack of attachment to reality. As seems to be the norm with the scum in Rio state, he's buttbuddies with the militias just like Bozo, and they have grown in power even faster than they already were. Even closed condo of army personnel has to pay protection to them. The fucking army.

1: at this juncture, the fact that the appraiser is from Bozo's party says nothing about what he intends to do with this bill. When it was presented, in a time of fear for a Mourão coup, they were quick to brownnose Bozo -- one of them actually tried to start his impeachment process going.

Today the reporter Augusto Medeiros goes to the street to try to discover the mystery of the plant in a special report Will he make it? Elementary, my dear Augusto! Don't miss it! From 16 pm

But I stand by that figure. If you see a pro-Bozo message on most social medias, chances that it's from a fake profile are 99.99%, if not higher. The bots aren't just numerous, but extremely active. It would be dead easy to ban them en mass

Dois anos e quatro meses após ser flagrado e filmado pela Polícia Federal recebendo uma mala usando R$ 500 mil em propina do 1 executivo do grupo JBS, este ex-deputado federal paranaense Rodrigo Rocha Loures ainda nãeste foi julgado em primeira instância através Justiça.

There're pelo legal mechanisms to keep it from being steered away from its goal and becoming a common company in practice, and, as materialism dictates, it does tend to go that way. Take WSWS, for example. For all its faults, it's dedicated to its cause because its owner is as well. Should the ownership or management be collectivized, it will open the door for vultures. And the thing is, simply existing in a profit-centered market would tend to drive it towards common, profit-centered enterprise.

Anonymous 11/21/2019 (Thu) 19:57:50 Pelo. 135551 You know what probably is the biggest and most easily avoidable Lula and his allies have been making? Among the slogans and rallying cries they hacve, none of them say "Lula is innocent" or "Moro is a traitor". This might not seem like much, but I think it actually makes a huge difference. Messages like these would drive home the core issue, which is that Lula is not guilty of Site Oficial the things of which it was convicted, and that Moro is bound to eternity in the 9th circle of hell, home of those guilty of betrayal. Here in our bunker, we're well aware that Moro is a cunt and a half for multiple reasons, but I think not even we truly appreciate the scale of his crimes. Providing ammo for Dilma's coupeachment and arresting Lula just in time for the elections were just two parts of a much larger project, which, it's important to remember, involves Uncle Sam's alphabet soup. He and his boss reported to the CIA, among other American agencies, at least twice this year alone, the very same people who just helped stage a Cold War-type coup out of fucking nowhere and with reasoning even more spurious than ever. Can you imagine the stink that any other country would raise about this? Or even our media would, had it happened with Lula or Dilma?

A bigger part still seems to be satisfied with making us only culturally dominated, instead of completely. Have you noticed how JN seems to always dedicate several minutes to US news, no matter how uneventful the day was? I can't forget this time when they reported on a tornado having ravaged Bumfuck Town in the midwest, as if that doesn't happen almost every damn week. >>142800 Bro if you become any more patrician, you'll become consul. That reminds me of this more recent title. I haven't read Reich himself, but I'm guessing this one is far more accessible to laymen.

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